Community Solar Changes the Game

Young folks have been leaving rural communities for lack of jobs. But Solar Heat and Electric can help you bring them back. Solar installations create the good-paying jobs that motivate well educated youth to remain where they grew up.

A recent installation in Central City, Nebraska - organized by Solar Heat and Electric - demonstrates how solar is changing the game across the Upper Midwest.

Partnerships Pay

When a local tax payor purchases solar panels, then sells the electricity to your community at a reduced rate, you will qualify for a 26% federal tax credit.

That's a game changer.

Community Solar

Energize Your Small Community: Make a "Lean-Forward" Solar Decision

Lock in reliable costs of electricity for decades while reducing your community's impact on the climate. Provide clean energy to your municipality for 25+ years. Make a tangible commitment to a technology that will attract the next generation of citizens.

Through education and leadership, Solar Heat & Electric can help you move into the solar era in a timely and predictable fashion.

Steps include:

  • Analyze energy consumption and financial trends in your community
  • Evaluate your community's topography for ideal southerly exposure
  • Determine if ground-mounted panels or roof-top panels would be best
  • Anticipate any special installation challenges
    Present a proposal to your city council that explains components, costs and timing
  • Supervise installation and coordinate with local electrician

Your community can trust Solar Heat & Electric because they have been involved with regional solar for 30 years. They supervised the first "net metering" solar project in Nebraska, so their hands-on expertise is unquestioned.

The principal of the firm has been a solar instructor at four Midwestern colleges and universities. His intimate understanding of equipment, vendors, the grid, etc. will save you time and money.

Position your municipality as a "lean forward" community that creates jobs selling and installing high-tech solar panels.

Your commitment to a low carbon environment will attract employers and new, "next-gen" residents.

That's how to make happiness sustainable.

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